Saturday, July 23, 2011

Screwed up life.

Back after six long months.
Life was not easy, juggling with studies, shooting, and many many other problems in hand.

I keep telling myself to get my long due homework done but I guess it's not easy to persuade myself. Even though I'm always bored, I'm not bored enough to go do my homework. I'm having a hard time in shooting too. Most probably got into NYT, but I don't want to accept the offer now. Being sandwiched in between friends is not a very good feeling, plus I would see people that I don't wanna see there. So, no point.

Despite all these, problems keep popping out one by one. Shavon went to band, leaving me all alone in the range, but I guess that wasn't exactly her fault. Now, Ray kept saying that I have no friends or whatsoever. Like as if I give a damn? What's the point of having so many friends? Will they all be there when you need help? NO. Maybe even your closest friend won't be there for you. You only have yourself to rely on. But, I don't even trust myself these days.

Because of you, I'm having a hard time. But I guess everything will end at the end of this year. Hopefully.