Friday, September 10, 2010

Holidays - comes and goes fast.

Hellos, sorry for not posting lately. :/
It's alr the september holidays, time passes so fast yeah.
So many incidents happening within this week.


Went to school early in the morning to meet Shavon Teo @ 8.30 am, but she was late and I ended up waiting for her for like 35 min? I used Angelica's phone to prank msg Chee Jenn Yang, and he didn't realise. What a stupid fella. I then went to shoot, and got 374. [For those who dunno, I'm an air pistol shooter.] First time getting such a high score after so long. At abt 11.00 am, I went down to eat with Shavon Teo in the sch canteen. I concentrated on my food, Shavon's eyes searched for her so-called 'handsome & cute' guys. After eating, we went to find those guys who were playing badminton nearby. Played a few games of Big 2.5 [or dai di if u guys prefer] with Chester's poker cards and just as expected, I pwned them all. :D At 12, I walked to the LRT train station with Chester & Jenn Yang and took the train home.


Woke up late, thus did not turn up for training. Had breakfast and glued to the computer, did my holiday homework in the afternoon.


Woke up early in the morning and went to sch for training, shot 373. Had lunch with Sarah in the sch canteen. Rain suddenly poured heavily, and I had to beg Mom to come to sch n fetch me home. Slacked in the canteen for awhile with Shavon, Sarah and Angelica. Bathed and did my homework when I reached home, and went in to Malaysia with Mom, Christina and Granma at night for dinner.

Mom staring at me as if I'm gonna steal her noodles

Mom obviously enjoying her noodles, and decided to promote it.Those interested to approach her to endorse products, do call.

All-time favourite facial expression of Mom's - Mom's speciality pouting mouth.

Sorry, only taken the picture of this bowl of delicious noodles only after having eaten it. I just couldn't wait. XD

Nice traditional ice jelly in a bowl! Not commonly found in Singapore anymore! :D

Christina busy eating her food, didn't even bother to pose for a nice picture. ):

Okay! The climax of the dinner! We also had sticks of food that we bought at a truck nearby. There are various types of food on sticks, and we can choose to either deep-fry or boil them in water! it's super delicious, and it's downright cheap too!


Woke up late and did not go for training again. XD Went out early in the morning with Mom and Christina to Mom's office, then Singapore Post Cantre, then Wilkie Edge to have korean cuisine for lunch, then headed to Granma's. After awhile, we went out to Suntec City with Granma for Souperlicious's mushroom soup and Red Mango.

I'll post the photos on today's trip tmr. I'll most probably be staying at home rushing my homework tmr. Wish me good luck!