Saturday, October 16, 2010

16th October - FREEDOM!

Dear exam(s),
 thanks for your visit these few weeks. You made me sleep very late on school days, resulting in me having panda eyes, and maybe also some straight Fs on my report card. THANK YOU for all that you've given me. See you next year!

The end-of-years exams finally ended! Yay! Looking forward to hang out with Carene Keh & Shavon Teo. :D Not really into shooting rite now, hais.

Yesterday, went to plaza with Carene and Shavon and got similar wallets. (Not reallt similar, same type but different designs) Wanted to go to Carene's house to swim and party since it's still early. I made this suggestion, taking into consideration that Shavon Teo had to report home early, so yesterday was the perfect day to go to Carene's house. But Shavon Teo wanted to go back to school to see her 'hot guys' and partly because she lives just opposite the school. Especially me, was pissed off. It was the day we had our last papers, and yet she only thought of her own interests. Shavon Teo, it was not about you seeing us home first then u yourself head home. It is a matter of thinking for your friends and not only yourself. Because of this, I wasted 3 precious hours of my life in school. Nevermind, I choose to forgive and forget. Watched a horror movie at The Shaw cinema yesterday at night with YingJie, AiHui, AiWen, and AiWen's sis AiQi. Was quite a nice movie. ^^

Had nothing to do today, so I'm rotting at home now. Waiting for money to roll in so that I can go shop for clothes, shoes and bags. Tmr gonna go visit granma and grandad. Monday most probably going out with Carene and Shavon, if not going out myself so that I won't go crazy staying at home.

Earlier in the afternoon, I received a msg from a senior.
Senior: Hi apple [apple's my nick in school, or rather in the shooting club]
Me: Hi [his msg did not have punctuation, felt that I'm not respected, so did not reply with punctuations as well]
Senior: LOL, really replied hi ar :/
Me: Lol.
Senior: :/ don't reply one word leh, xP idk what to reply sia ><
Me: Then reply wat?
Senior: Lols, idk >< blehs :x
Already so old but still act cute in front of me. I'm not the one who started the conversation, yet still expect me to reply more than a word when your msg dun even give me anything to say more. WTF. So what if we're close last time? U're the one who made me feel disgusted at your actions. Please, do me a favour and fuck off. I'm just so glad that I dun have to see you starting from next year.