Sunday, December 11, 2011

Great weather, great you, great friends, inferior me.

Never ever like or even fall in love with your close/best friend. It's a taboo.

Yesterday went for kbox with kunda, ngxinyi, jingxuan, amanlia, ray and paul. Chinese songs were all played first, I don't dare to sing LOL. Well, most of them are songs that I've not heard of! After that English songs came on. Okay so I was forced to sing "Back to December" by the great AmanliaToh, okay nevermind. But then duet with PaulAng? My first thought was "cb," Seriously! It was so awkward! But in the end, I had a lot of fun!

After singing til 7pm, we went to BPP for dinner! Kunda left early at 5.30 though. :/, and amanlia had to go home for dinner. The rest of us then went to Naked Fish Express for dinner! As usual, I can't finish mine and as usual, Paul finished it for me HAHAHA.After that, Ray said he wanted BBQ Express. I was like wtf? After baked rice he could still eat more! After that Paul went to buy bubble tea at this very lousy store. Okay anyway, we went to Mac to sit for a while afterwards, then decided to head over to my house. My house a bit fail la, no chips no drinks no nothing, dust and rubbish a lot only LOL. Had lots of fun! First time staying up til 2+am talking with them! We gossiped alot alot, HAHAHA and Paul said he realised girls' gossiping session very powerful, can gossip until morning. He first time gossip with girls I think LOL! After that, nothing to gossip alrady.. Then we played Truth or Dare! Okay I spilled many things out, that bloody Paul there keep amchio. [Cause everything asked have something to do with him and he knows it] But in the end, I made cjy the scapegoat HAHA!

A fun fun day with my senior, dunno when can meet them again! :/ A day worth remembering! ;D