Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fourth Day In School

Today. Alarm sounded @ 5.45. Rolled around for 10 min. Dragged my feet to the toilet. Went to school @ 6.25.
1st period science lesson. Fell asleep. woken up by Mr Loo. BUT he had a smile on his face. [?!]
After that double period mother tongue. Saw my super big meatball teacher Mr Ivan Lee. Discussed on yesterday's newspapers, talked about chinese singers & their songs, then the main point: 3 ways to improve our chinese---read books/newspapers/comic books, or listen to chinese songs & sing to them [then gradually memorising the lyrics]. He only came to the main point after an hour. =.= Then discussion of compo plan, then compo for hw. For once, he gave us 4 days to write the compo. I think he either realised that he's been treating us badly or was possessed this morning. :O The thing that made me smile the whole day: Remember the short film competition held by Maris Stella High? We got into the top 13!! Yay! Which is like the finals! The prize presentation will be at some civilisation museum [?] & I'm so going. :DD Just so happy that we rushed the whole project & still could get into the finals. :DD Our efforts are at least not wasted. :D
Recess time! Wandering aimlessly in the classroom myself. ): Ying Jie, Chewy, Lim Yong Sheng, Rui Jie, Pei Ming playing chess, Benjamin enjoying the chocolate cake that his mom made while watching Ying Jie & Chewy play. Sarah reading a comic book nearby. Everyone's busy, except me. =.= Finally Sarah's going downing after reading & she bought meatballs for me. So nice of her. (: Pei Ming pissed me off seriously. he's such an extra. Always butt into conversations between me & my frens. What a fked up loser. =.=
Time for music. Teacher: Mr David Chang. didn't know where to go, so stayed in class. 20 minutes later, he came up with a black face. Insulted our class & form teacher Mr Ken Leong. Then lecture lecture @ IT Lab 6. Proper lesson started 10 minutes before the lesson is going to end. [LOL!]
Next. English period. Went through oral reading aloud again, & partnered with Lydia.
Last period. Math~ went through similar triangles today, which is so much easier than congruence. Used ratio here & there, which is like a piece of cake. :D When lesson ending, Chewy was like holing up his worksheet & complained to Ms Aida: Teacher you see! So much homework already you still want to give more! [which is like only 2 questions] Blah blah blah... Eh sorry wrong page. LOL! Made Ms Aida & the whole class laugh like mad! :DD
Okay stupid Carene made me post now so, I'll update my time in the range today in the next post. Ciao~